Studio de danse

Studio de danse à Ollioules

Guest teacher, Ellison Ballet School, Tivoli Ballet School, Academy Teatro San Carlo Naples, Teatro Oscar Milan, Compania Balletto del teatro San Carlo Naples,  Alvin Haley II Company.... Jury For international competition (France, Milan....)  I started dancing 45 years ago, my dancing career ended very quickly after an accident.After that I  turned to teaching and at the same time I continued to enrich myself with other forms of dance (contemporary, Jazz,Caracter) but also other disciplines (theater, singing, television, Radio, Cinema, Cabaret ).

The biggest revelation was my meeting with Edward Ellison in New York, it was he who gave me the desire to open my training school Autrand Ballet France, of which he was the Godfather for more than 10 years.

With him I discovered the Vaganova Method, which I then deepened with Anna-Maria Prina

​After having trained several dancers in my school (now mostly dancers in big companies, Royal Ballet London,Royal Ballet of Flandres, Munich, Paris Opera, Het National ballet, Scala, Ballet de Nice Méditéranée.....), I realized after a dozen years that I was out of breath, so I decided to close Autrand Ballet France and get back on the road and my work as a Free-lance teacher.

26, chemin ST Roch
83190 Ollioules